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You got the tattoo, now you have to take care of it! Here's what to do:

  • You should have a lovely seran wrap covering over your tattoo when leaving the studio. When you get home, take this off and NEVER re-wrap for any reason. This should not stay on longer than 3 hours

  • After removing the wrap, dampen a paper towel with luke warm water, and gently wipe your tattoo and pat dry with a clean, fresh towel or paper towel. MAKE SURE YOUR HANDS ARE CLEAN!

  • Now, you can go about your day and normal life, being cautious of animals, sun, water, dirt, etc. near your fresh tattoo. Remember, it is an open wound, so you do not want anything getting into it. 

  • Shower at any point of time; when you do, avoid shaving over the piece for 2-3 weeks, and feel free to use all your normal products. Do not stress to put soap or body wash directly onto the tattoo, just do your normal shower routine. 

  • For 2-3 days after you get tattooed, leave the piece clean and dry. Meaning, do not put any ointment, lotion, or creams on it. You can shower daily, just avoid any type of after care and let the tattoo be dry for those couple days. 

  • Then, whichever day you choose, ( whether it be 2 or 3 days after you left the shop) you will then begin to use a small amount of non scented lotion on the tattoo. 

  • Recommended brands include: Lubriderm, Vaseline lotion, or Eucerin. 

  • Make sure the lotion is NONSCENTED. No baby products, scented lotions, perfumes, glitter, or beaded lotions. 

  • Continue to lotion at least once a day, for 2-3 weeks. 

  • Avoid direct sun light for this time, tanning, swimming ( no matter what type of body of water). 

  • After 2-3 weeks, you should be able to live your normal life, and enjoy your healed piece!

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